Full Moon in Libra March 31st 2018 Intense Moon for Love and Relationships!



Today at 8:36am (EDT), we have welcomed Full Moon in Libra.  

This moon is called "Blue Moon" since this is the second full moonthat happened in a month, and it is a rare event as we say "Once in a Blue Moon".  

Sign of Libra rules relationships and partnerships. Although this sign is normally known for "Peace and Harmony", this full moon has different tase to it.  At the same time the moon is challenged by Saturn, planet of discipline and restriction, it is also triggered by Mars, planet of anger and aggression.

This energy can make you face some realities with partners in love, business and relationships in general.  The key message here is to be truly authentic to your feelings at the bottom of your heart and stand for your voice.   "I love you and understand your point of view, but what about ME?" "What about with MY feelings and voices?"  When we come down to matters regarding money and relationships, often times they are tightly connected to "Self-worth" and "Self-value". Take this time to really look into if you are putting yourself as priority in life.  

If "you" are not making yourself happy and taking control of your life, you can't make anyone else happy. Choose your battle wisely. Stand up for your voice while you stay calm and grounded.  This full moon is excellent for long-term goals and focused actions.

Whether it's in business or relationships, it is a wonderful time for planning long-term goals and stick to them with great endurance.  Mercury, the planet of communication and transportation is still in retrograde at this full moon. Learn how you can navigate your life during this retrograde season in my YouTube video!

Wishing you a wonderful full moon✨